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  • Sindh Ibex

  • Himalayan Ibex

  • Blandford Urial

  • Punjab Urial

  • Himalayan Blue Sheep

Each year more and more hunters are heading to Pakistan to target the plethora of incredible species available there.  The hunting industry grows stronger each year, with extremely positive reports and high success rates.  The destination is perfectly safe, and a cultural experience like no other. 


Those seeking the most adventurous of hunting destinations looking for any of the magnificent Capra and Ovis species that call her home will be extremely pleased with the capabilities of our outfitter for this region. 

himalayan ibex Hunting Pakistan, Cunyt Akkasoglu
Blandford Urial Hunting Pakistan
sindh ibex Hunting Pakistan, Cunyt Akkasoglu
himalayan ibex Hunting Pakistan, Cunyt Akkasoglu
Punjab Urial Hunting Pakistan
sindh ibex Hunting Pakistan, Cunyt Akkasoglu
Hunting Pakistan, Cunyt Akkasoglu
Hunting Pakistan, Cunyt Akkasoglu
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